Thank you, Peer, for giving us hints to find the beta of Monster Shooter.
Monster Shooter
This review is for "Monster Shooter" designed and developed by "Confused Enigma". Beta version can be played in browser or downloaded and played, see
Vectrex project gallery.
· GENERAL NOTESI've tried out Monster Shooter - actually I've played first round of Monster Shooter in Webbrowser via DrSnuggles website - on my smartphone. That was yesterday - today I loaded the game on my VecMulti and played it on real hardware. Below please find various feedback. Please note that only my first suggestion has some importance - all other suggestions are nice to have which may improve the game but maybe not. Decide yourself how much more effort you want to put into Monster Shooter. Already, the game is very playable and really fun to play. Well done, Confused Enigma!
I've played Monster Shooter for about 20 minutes. At first, I died and didn't understand why but soon I realized that there is a timer. When timer elapses you loos a life. Timer is reset whenever you shoot an enemy so you better shoot enemies quickly. Monster Shooter is very playable and it's challenging to shot an enemy within available time. It's more like monster hunting than monster shooting. ;-) My best score was 46 - in most other games I scored much lower because for me it was difficult to shoot enemies within specific time.
· WHAT I LIKE+ Two player mode (haven't tried it out, yet, but this is great!)
+ Animated explosion
+ Game play - hunting monsters is fun and a challenge due to the timer
+ Increasing difficulty with varying enemies (monsters).
+ There is sound
None found.
Time reset when dying
Currently, when colliding with an enemy, you die. But timer is not reset. This means that it can happen that you die once again because you run out of time.
Suggestion: When player looses a life due to a collision, timer should be reset, also.
Note: From my point of view this one is important.
Player's shot starts within tank
Currently, when shooting, shot can be seen within the tank.
Suggestion: Player's shot should start outside the tank.
Blocks: Brightness
Currently, blocks use same brightness as enemies and player's tank.
Suggestion: Blocks could be less bright. This would bring some variation into look of the game.
Timer elapses quietly
Currently, there is no visual or sound indication that timer expires, soon.
Suggestion: There could be a sound which increases in frequency (e.g. like in Rip Off) or a beep every second which alarms the players. This would make game play even more intense (and enerving).
Timer: Accumulate time
Currently, the timer is reset to a specific value whenever shooting an enemy.
Suggestion: When shooting an enemy, a specific time could be added to the timer. This means that you can accumulate time when shooting several enemies quickly. Sure enough there should be still a maximum.
Player crash: Immediate game over
Currently, when player looses his/her last life the game over screen is displayed right away.
Suggestion: Introduce some crash animation for the player's tank.
Shot: Limited range
Currently, player's shots fly till they hit an enemy, or a block or reach screen boarder.
Suggestion: To make the game more challenging and realistic, the shot could fly a limited range.
Blocks: 0, 1, 2, and then 3.
Currently, the game starts with three blocks. Number of blocks and setup of blocks doesn't change during the various levels.
Suggestion: Game could start without blocks and with increasing levels the blocks could appear. This would bring quite some variation into the game.
Blocks: Several setups
Currently, the position of the blocks is always the same.
Suggestion: Perhaps there could be various setups for the blocks which are chosen randomly or with increasing levels.
Top view vs. side view:
Currently, the tank and the blocks gives the impression to view from the top while enemies look as if they are seen from the side.
Suggestion: Change design of enemies so that they look more from the top, i.e. not triangular but more something like a square (like in later levels)
Sound: Player shot
Currently, the sound of the player shot is a bit strange.
Suggestion: A "Peng" sound would be adequate for a tank. But then, maybe it's not a good idea to make it too realistic these days.
New level
Currently, a new level starts without any notice.
Suggestion: New level could start with some sound or some alert to indicate the new incoming monsters.
Sound: Driving
Suggestion: When tank moves there could be some sound.
Tanks and hearts
Currently, hearts are used to indicate the number of lifes.
Suggestion: Probably it's just me but a tank game with monsters and cute hearts don't really fit together. Perhaps a different graphics could be used instead of the heart (e.g. a square or a small tank made out of five lines like in Armor Attack.)
Animated graphics
Currently, tank plus enemies use invariable graphics.
Suggestion: Enemies could be animated, e.g. the dot (=eye) could move from left to right. Also, instead of flying straight they could move slightly back and forth orthogonal to their direction. This would make monsters look alive.
Small monster contains large monsters
Changing shape when shooting on a monster is a good idea. Currently, when shooting the second type of monsters (square) it transforms to a triangle. To me the triangle looks larger in size than the square. I.e. the small square transforms into a larger triangle. This looks a bit wrong to me (but again: Probably it's just me ;-) )
Suggestion: Perhaps squares could be made a bit larger and triangles a bit smaller.
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