Vectrex Tournament: Vector War X (31st Oct - 7th Nov 2020)
Sept 14, 2020 14:34:27 GMT -5
playvectrex, Malban, and 6 more like this
Post by hcmffm on Sept 14, 2020 14:34:27 GMT -5
Latest info:
Vector War X is over but Vector War XI is on. Click here to switch Vector War XI.
Score code:
Warblade (valid till the end of the tournament)
Current time:
Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Central European Time (CET/MEZ)
Points Table:
Players' locations: (Click to see detailed map)
Ten years ago, Rob Maerz, well known in the Retro scene, initiated the Vector War. The Vector War is a yearly Vectrex game tournament; Vectrex players all over the world participate. This year's Vector War X (VW10) lasts one week and will take place from Sat 31st October till Sat 7th November 2020. Please note that the Vector War is for both beginner and expert players. In the Vector War you can compete with other players. It's also a good opportunity to play the Vectrex games more extensively and get to know new games. BTW, 1st November is the Play Your Vectrex Day (PYVD) so on that day you've got even two good reasons to play your Vectrex.
Below, please find all details about the Vector War X. If something shouldn't be clear, do not hesitate to ask here in this topic or send me a PM.
Games list:
Please note that for qualifying only 6 out of 12 games need to be played. In round braces you'll find the threshold score (=minimum score that you have to achieve). For some games level and/or a maximum are specified.
1. Bedlam (5000)
2. Fortress of Narzod (3000)
3. Minestorm (15000, max. 150000)
4. Polar Rescue (5000)
5. Rip Off (1000)
6. Spinball (75000)
7. Tour de France (02:00 min)
1. Beluga Dreams (10)
2. Every Day is Halloween (3000)
3. SpideX (15)
4. Vectorblade (3000)
5. Vectrexians (10000)
Info and Rules:
Begin of Contest: Saturday, 31st October 2020
End of Contest: Saturday, 7th November 2020
24:00 Central European Time CET/MEZ, UTC-1) (=End of Saturday)
Qualification and Participation:
To qualify for the contest you must play and submit scores of 6 games of the above game list.
To submit a score:
- Check here what the current score code is.
- Play a game and try to achieve a score which is higher than the threshold score of the appropriate game. The threshold score of a game is the number in round braces in the above game list.
- Take a picture of your score including the current score code and the name of the game on-screen (if possible) and post it here:
a.) Upload your picture to a free file hoster, see topic Free file hosting.
b.) Click on the "Reply" button and place the link provided by the free file hoster. Please use the "Preview" and check your posting and the correct display of your highscore image. If everything is fine you click on "Create Post" button.
- You can submit an arbitrary number of scores per day.
There's one exception; on the last day of the tournament you can submit scores for two games of your choice, only. - New players can join in on every day except the last day of the tournament (Saturday)
- If a game can be marathoned (i.e. played for more than one hour), players are asked to report this. Then, a maximum score will be set by the organizer to avoid endless playing.
- Once you are qualified, your overall rank will be calculated and kept up-to-date.
Score code:
Whenever you take a photoproof of your highscore, make sure you include a small paper with the current score code in the photo. Only photoproofs with visible and correct score code will be valid. Score codes during the tournament, so make sure that you first lookup the current score code before playing and taking a photo.
Gaming Rules:
- Games must be played on original hardware. This means original Vectrex console and Vectrex controller. If a player doesn't use an original Vectrex controller for some reason he/she should please indicate this when posting his/her first scores. Not allowed are paddles or sensitivity-adjustable controllers, autofire dongles, autofire joysticks, or the usage of several types of controllers.
- To make things simple, photoproofs are sufficient to submit a score. Players are trusted to play fair and without cheating (no autofire dongles, game cheats, manipulating source codes or screenshots, and so on).
- Vectorblade is a cummulative game, i.e. during a game you can achieve awards and "equipment" that you still have in your next game (even when powering the Vectrex on and off). In order to have same starting conditions for everyone participating please reset the Vectorblade once before playing for the Vector War.
- You get points for your rank per game. The better your rank in a game the more points you'll get. 1st rank is always 100 points, points of all other ranks are lower and depend on the number of qualified players, see point table below for details. Only the highest points from six games you have played will be considered. This means that the maximum number of points a player can score is 600.
1st to 3rd Winner: 1 prize A, B, C, or D + Vector War T-Shirt
Prize A - An aluminum Vectrex32 cartrigde donated by Tony (fruktodlaren ) and Bob (bob ).
Prize B - A copy of Beluga Dreams donated by Nathan (8-Bit Waves ).
Prize C - A Vectrex Paddle donated by solderguy .
Prize D - A Vectrex Fans Unite edge light donated by Alan (eyelyft71 )
Prize E - A copy of Every Day Is Halloween - special edition donated by Chris Malcolm.
Prize X - A copy of Vectorblade donated by Christopher (Malban ) (random prize 1)
Prize Y - A wooden spoon prize donated by Tony (fruktodlaren ).
- There will be two random prizes this year. One random prize is a copy of Vectorblade. The other random prize depends on the choice of the other prize winners.
- More prizes to be determined. Please note that number of winners may be limited i.e. there might be more prizes than winners which means that winners can choose a prize. Only one prize per winner is awarded.
- Costs for International shipping of prizes are also covered.
- Procedure:
1. Wooden spoon (Prize Y) is awarded to the second last winner.
2. Copy of Vectorblade (Prize X) will be drawn amongst all qualified players who don't own an "original" copy of Vectorblade published by Malban, yet, and who want to win a copy.
3. Winners 1-3 choose their prizes: 1st Winner chooses first, second winner second, and so on.
4. Last not least random prize 2 is drawn amongst all qualified players that haven't won a prize at this point, yet.
Availability of Games:
For qualifying in Vector War X you have to play 6 games listed in the game list above. It can be a bit of an advantage if you have more than 6 or even all 12 games at hand.
Here you can download a ZIP archive with all free binaries played in VW X. When unpacking the ZIP archive a folder "VW10-binaries" is created. Please make sure to put plain binaries (without folder) on your flash device unless you're sure your flash device does support folders.
- All original GCE/MB titles can be found on various multicartridges (e.g. Sean Kelly 60-in-1, AC 72-in-1, Madtronix Multicartridge 72-in-1 Classic (M1) , ...). Also, all all GCE ROMs can be downloaded for free.*
- SpidEx - A special binary of SpidEx is available for free (see above). If you want/need a physical copy of SpidEx you can order it on Alexander's Webpage
- Beluga Dreams - The binary for Beluga Dreams is available for free (see above). If you want/need a physical copy of Beluga Dreams please contact 8-Bit Waves via PM, soon.
- Every Day is Halloween - Chris (binarystar ) created a special version for the Vector War X (see above). Please note that in the Vector War this special version must be played.
- Vectorblade - If you don’t own a copy of Vectorblade and plan on competing, please contact Brett (playvectrex ) via PM, soon.
- Vectrexians is sold by Kristof Tuts (Tutstronix)
Game manuals
For some games it's good to have a manual at hand to understand game play and/or scoring.
- Vectrex Game manuals@Digitpress
- Vectrex manual²s
Previous Vector Wars
VectorX has kindly gathered a lot of interesting information about the past Vector Wars in the Vectrex Wiki.
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